Swimming is fun, but your hair may not think so. We all know that swimming pools contain chlorine and other damage to the skin and hair of substance , it is easy to make a good hair dye fade . The salt from seawater is equally easy to make your hair dry and dehydrated , becoming yellowish dry. We teach you three strokes , how to maintain your perfect hairstyle summer playing in the water , but also to avoid subsequent problems such as coarse hair .
Rinse hair with water .
With tap water before and after every assurance ( If not using mineral water) rinse hair. Water before washing to prevent the adhesion of those chemicals in your hair , and why ? Think of your hair into a sponge, if already saturated with clean water , dirty water that absorbs much less quantity of course . Rinse the hair from the water after it is for the first time to the hair attached to the harmful chemicals rinse.
Create obstacles to the hair and water .
Drill into the water before wiping point give hair conditioner , so leave some space between the hair and water.
Wearing a swimming cap .
Undoubtedly the most secure way : first rinse hair with water , then cast conditioner finally wear a swimming cap .