
Some Experience About Lace Front Wigs

Lace Front Wigs is the secret of many expect the celebrity's hairstyle.Equipped with all kinds of material, color, length and style, lace wig, before full lace wig have women have meet their needs and their way of life style.

In addition to provide very good hair for women, with lace wig or lace wig before another 
advantage is that they have the invisible thread.They provide is the most natural in all of the available options hairline, let a person look amazing.

About the lace wig before another great thing is that you can apply for a wig without  professional help.Just practice using your wig, hair and very nice time in the right way every time you want!

If you have already purchased a new wig, still don't know how to use it correctly, please continue to read, to learn how to.

There are two ways to apply your wig, and using double-sided tape, with liquid adhesives, to maintain the wig.Some retailers selling adhesive with a wig, so you shouldn't be a  problem, choose to run a good wig.If there is no adhesive with a wig to sell, and then select any two adhesive, but make sure you choose the product has been specially designed for this purpose.

When using a liquid binder, the first wig on your head.Needle wig hair back in front, so you don't end they stick on your forehead.In a small part of the lace positive application of the adhesive layer is very thin.Ensure that makes your hair real way out.You can choose to cut the baby hair wigs or keep it;It depends on you want to go.Press where you are applying adhesive part of the wig.With good adhesion, it should be pressed down only takes about 5 seconds.Lace wig that part, firmly in place, move to the next section.In order to make it  easier for the application, the application of adhesive hair, until you have been coated with adhesive and pressure on the wig from edge to edge, one inch at a time.

When using double-sided tape, paper tape cut off the article into three inches.The tape  should be about 3.8 inches wide.Take the first, and put it in a patch area before the lace to connect to it.Make sure your lace attaching the front hairline on the tape.The tape on the other article of lace, until you have put the wig on the tape from edge to edge of the side as a whole.Make sure there are no Spaces between the tape.This will help keep the wig, also provides a natural hairline

