
Do you want a beautiful long hair?

Everyone wants natural long hair but few have learned to get it done! The best trick to get long natural hair is always to keep it natural! I understand this looks silly but it is the truth! Hair thinning and hair that refuses to grow is usually a result of the use of commercial hair goods! Take one look into the back of your respective shampoo or conditioner and ask yourself if you’ll eat this? I bet you’ll say no. So just why would you put it in your scalp!? Your skin and scalp will soak up chemicals rather quickly resulting in stunted hair growth, hair loss, itchy scalp, bad hair days etc So if you would like natural long hair that’s longer than shoulder length, you need to stop making use of these chemical products. If you are looking to wash your hair use a cup of baking soda blended with a teaspoon of apple cider diluted in half a cup of water after which mix into a paste, apply in your hair and wash your hair This simple wash will also provide increased blood circulation to the scalp and enable natural long hair growth. The next natural long hair tip would be to wash your hair often using the recipe I just gave you. You’ll be able to wash your hair often so long as it’s not with commercial shampoos, when you want to use commercial shampoos be sure to wash your mane less often and apply almost all of the shampoo over the hair and not your scalp- this keeps almost all of the chemicals off the scalp. Should you be in a hurry and need a natural long hair look but cant look ahead to it to grow, you could look into natural long hair extensions.So choose we and buy a beautiful hair extensions for yourself. Give yourself a new face.

